Thursday, February 21, 2013

Random Thoughts

I have been so busy lately with my photography, that I haven't spent much time writing or crocheting, which are two of my favorite things. I started a nature photography Facebook page called Nature Photography by Charis Megill. Very simple title. I don't have a link, but please come by and check it out. I've said this before, but nature always bring me close to God. Every day I try to find something interesting, like a flower I've never seen before and capture it in a photo or just in my mind. I started a new screenplay, mostly written in outline form. Dialog is starting to work itself out. This will be my third screenplay and even though the other two are very important, this one is special. Recently I found myself a little emotional, as if there was something I was supposed to do with my talents and as a career. The feeling was so strong and overwhelming at times...but I have figured out where it was leading me. It involves writing, photography, and nature. I am very excited about it, and will tell you more in future blog posts. I hope you will come back and check in on my world in the near future:-) Thank you. Charis

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Finding Peace in Nature

Lately, I have been taking a lot of photos and spending a lot of time in nature.  I feel very close to God when I'm around so many of His creations, like trees and birds.  Many times I'm in a very quiet and peaceful place, where the only sounds I hear are birds or a squirrel chattering in the distance.  These are the times that I can pray or meditate on something that might be on my mind.  These are special times that I am so thankful for and can count my many blessings.

If you don't feel peace or joy in your life, you are missing out on something wonderful.  Maybe there are some changes you need to make.  Why not find your quiet place and take time to draw closer to God.  Pray.  Pick up your Bible and delve into the New Testament scriptures.  Study about what Christ did for you.  If you truly know what He did for you when He died on the cross for all of our sins, why wouldn't you want to be baptized for the remission of your sins.  The joy I feel from having all my sins blotted out, that weight that He took away and that love He shows...that is worth living for Him:  I love you and I pray that you feel that love for your soul when you read this.

Please come back and see some of my photos and creative projects that I am working on and thanks again for visiting my blog.  Charis

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Perspective Versus His Perspective

I love finding beauty in nature. Where some might see an ugly weed or a broken road, I see a well worn path or a pretty flower. We all have broken roads in our life, where we got pulverized or hit by storms...and those weeds are sometimes just blessings in disguise. As the song goes, God Bless the Broken Road. And I know He blesses us over and over again. Our greatest example to follow is Jesus. His perspective is seeing the inside of a person, and not the outward, like we do. We live in the moment...or in the emotion of the moment. We need to strive to take on the perspective of Jesus. It's amazing to think that Jesus died for all of us, and I'm so glad that I can be joyful and live for Him. (I Corinthians 15:1-4) Charis:-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Media Changes the World

Only recently have I seen what great things social media can do!  It has become a fun hobby of mine and at times very addicting.  I never thought of myself as a social media butterfly; in fact, I never thought I would have a Facebook or Twitter account, among others that I have recently joined.  I have to admit, I really enjoy keeping in touch with friends and family that I haven't talked to in years.

Now, let's look at another aspect of social media.  Helping others has become global.  Americans or the United States are not in a box, just looking out for the needs of each other.  It's bigger than that.  This world is bigger than that.  Using Twitter, it reaches those in United States, Australia, Canada, France, etc.   It's about awareness and then doing something about it.  It's about finding a cause that is important to you...and being willing to give a little of yourself.

I have always had a soft spot for animals, domestic and wild.  One of my greatest causes is for protecting all animals, for preventing cruelty to animals, and helping them when I can.

My newest passion has to do with children and schools.  As an elementary school substitute teacher, I have been to over 30 schools in the last few years.  I have been to the wealthiest  of schools, with the best and newest technology and to the poorest or lowest income schools.  There are some schools where teachers have three years worth of  supplies just sitting in the classroom.  And there are some schools where teachers are bringing in their own pencils/crayons, or students are sharing supplies and books.  If every teacher that has been blessed with an abundance of supplies would give one box or more to another school, a school that is in need, many good things would start to happen.  Teachers sharing their wealth would start to make changes that would greatly be felt by those young students and their families.  Like the saying goes "It takes a village..."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Follow Your Dreams

As I sit down to write this today, I have been thinking about where my career or jobs and situations have led me so far.  I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and now I work as a Substitute Teacher.  That is far from the path I originally hoped to follow.  Art and writing has always been my true passion.  All these years later, I have found that I am still doing those things that I once hoped to follow as a career.  My job locations, positions, and job choices have changed along the way...but my artistic goals have never changed.  I am still pursuing a writing career.  I am still hoping to hone and use my drawing/art talents.  I am still artistically improving my photography skills.  I try to capture something different, like a different angle or tell a story with my photos.

Never stop pursuing your dreams, no matter what they are.  Never stop improving.  Never stop learning.  Along the way you may fact it is almost guaranteed that you will fail from time to time.  Many artists, writers, and musicians have been told they should give up what they were doing, because they would never succeed at their profession.  Stephen King, John Grisham, and other writers received rejection after rejection in the beginning.  Now look at where they are, artistically as writers.  Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  Also, look at the history of Abraham Lincoln.  These two men and many others have this in common:  They never gave up!  So, go out and pursue your dreams, and never, never, never give up!! 

Until next time, thanks for checking in...You can follow me on Twitter at coffeegirl_77.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I've been up to....creatively

There are some days where I am concentrating on one thing or the other...but most days my mind switches between four or five different projects.  It can be mentally draining, but I am always full of ideas that I want to try or stories I want to write.  This week hasn't been any different.  I have finished several sketches, crocheted, taken many digital pictures, and worked on several writing projects, including writing the music for song lyrics I recently penned.

As a Substitute teacher, when I have free moments from the students, I am finishing a sketch or working on one of my movie scripts.  I love to share my endeavors and I hope you enjoy them.  Here are a few sketches/pics from this past week. 

I wish you all a great week with much happiness!  Thanks for visiting.   CMegill

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For the Love of a Pencil

One of my favorite passions is drawing/pencil sketching.  It started when my grandfather was sick...I was in college and living with my parents.  They went out of town to visit my grandparents and I was alone in the house for almost a week.  I decided to start drawing, and I didn't stop until they got home.  I have dedicated all my art and sketches to my grandfather.  I guess he was my muse in the beginning.  Even though he is gone now, I still think of him everytime I sit down and work on a sketch. 

Here are some of my recent sketches...I am really enjoying working with the manga style.  These are my renditions of a picture/drawing from a book.  I do not take any credit for these being originals.  Hope you enjoy:-)